Arthrex Aesthetics Course | Hands-on Workshop and Symposium_07/03/2025

07. März 2025


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Friday, March 07, 2025


Registration and Get-Together_07/03/2025 -

Doctors’ Lounge

Salutation and Briefing_07/03/2025 -

Main Auditorium

Hands-On Workshop: Preparation of Microfat & SVF (limited capacity/for advanced injectors only)_07/03/2025 -


Lunch_07/03/2025 -


Introduction to Arthrex_07/03/2025 -

Excalibur (1st floor)


Platelet-Derived Exosomes, ACP/PRP, Microfat/SVF – Update on Techniques, Indications, and Evidence_07/03/2025 - Hanno Pototschnig, MD


Facial Rejuvenation with ACP / Fluid PRF, ACP Max / Platelet-derived Exosomes in Highly Concentrated PRP, Microfat & SVF in My Daily Practice_7/03/2025 - Matthias Aust, MD


ACP/Fluid PRF, Microfat and SVF in my daily practice_07/03/2025 - Agnieszka Surowiecka, Associate Professor, (dr hab. n. med.)


Q&A and Coffee Break_07/03/2025 -


Live/Video Demonstrations: Highly Concentrated ACP Containing Platelet-Derived Exosomes, Autologous Conditioned Plasma_07/03/2025 -


End of Symposium_07/03/2025 -


Hanno Pototschnig, MD

is a specialist in the field of regenerative and aesthetic medicine. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine of the Technical University of Munich, he practiced for several years at clinics in Munich and the surrounding area before opening his private practice. Dr. Pototschnig completed his doctorate in the field of regenerative minimally invasive aesthetics. In addition to working clinically, he has developed surgical techniques and medical devices as a Medical Business Manager for Arthrex GmbH. Dr. Pototschnig has contributed to numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers, a book on PRP in aesthetic dermatology, and a book on lipofilling and regenerative medicine. He is a frequently cited author and a speaker/instructor at national and international congresses (IMCAS, Dubai-Derma, SEME, DGPRAEC, etc) in the fields of aesthetic dermatology, regenerative medicine, and aesthetic plastic surgery.

Matthias Aust, MD

is a specialist in plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery. He runs his own clinics in Landsberg am Lech and Dinslaken (Germany). In his daily practice, Dr. Aust frequently performs minimally invasive aesthetic treatments including PRP, microneedling, lipofilling, SVF, and PDO threads. From 2011 to 2015, he was the assistant medical director at the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Malteser Hospital Bonn (Germany). Dr. Aust is a frequent speaker at both international and national congresses and has published numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers. He was the awardee of the “Fiona Wood Passion Award” and the “Best of Europe” award from the VDÄPC 2014.

Agnieszka Surowiecka, Associate Professor, (dr hab. n. med.)

is a general surgeon, plastic surgeon in spe from Warsaw, Poland, with doctorate in plastic surgery (topic: burns management) and habilitation (use of stem cells in plastic and regenerative medicine). She graduated from Warsaw Medical University in 2011. She contributed to several national and international studies in regenerative medicine, plastic surgery and dressings. She is frequently a speaker at international surgical and transplantation conferences. She is an author of several papers in fields of transplantation, surgery and aesthetic medicine. Stem cells are of her main interest in regenerative and aesthetic medicine as well as inorgan transplantation or wound healing. She performs authorial procedures with combination of PRP, SVF, microfat, hyaluronic acid and threads. She has been working in the field of esthetic and regenerative medicine since 2012 and became a trainer for various techniques: tissue biostimulators, threads, dermal fillers and autologous cell therapy.

Allgemeine Informationen

Date: March 07, 2025
10:00-13:00 Workshop
14:00-17:00 Symposium and Live Stream

Registration and information
Arthrex GmbH | Lisa Zinsbacher
tel +49 89 90 90 05 1294

Course Fee
500 Euro (300 Euro workshop + 200 Euro symposium, including course material and catering)

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Event Overview

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Arthrex Aesthetics Course | Hands-on Workshop and Symposium_07/03/2025

Event Location

Arthrex GmbH
Erwin-Hielscher-Str. 9
81249 Munich | Germany

There is a large parking area opposite the company building.

Directions for Public Transportation
Take suburban train S-Bahn S8: Get off at train station “Freiham” Travel time from Munich central station: 20 minutes Travel time from Munich Airport: 53 minutes

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